ProTect Anti-Dog 40 ml (Anti Hund) KKS gas thrower to defend against aggressive animals including dogs. The squad also guarantees defense against an attacker or group of attackers. The CONE nozzle releases an irritant in the form of a cloud.
Police Tornado 40 ml handheld gas thrower with LED flashlight. Flip-Top head with flap protects against accidental use, it serves as a flashlight on / off switch.
Police Tornado 50 ml handheld gas thrower with LED flashlight. Flip-Top head with flap protects against accidental use, it serves as a flashlight on / off switch.
Handheld gas thrower with LED flashlight, Police Tornado 63 ml. Flip-Top head with flap protects against accidental use, it serves as a flashlight on / off switch.
Police Tornado 40 ml handheld gas thrower with LED flashlight. Flip-Top head with flap protects against accidental use, it serves as a flashlight on / off switch.
ProTect Anti-Dog 15 ml (Anti Hund) gas thrower by KKS for defense against aggressive animals, including dogs. The squad also guarantees defense against an attacker or a group of attackers. The CONE nozzle ejects an irritant in the form of a cloud. Clip
ProTect Anti-Dog 50 ml (Anti Hund) gas thrower by KKS for defense against aggressive animals, including dogs. The squad also guarantees defense against an attacker or a group of attackers.
ProTect Anti-Dog 63 ml (Anti Hund) KKS gas thrower for defense against aggressive animals, in-cluding dogs. The squad also guarantees defense against an attacker or a group of attackers. The CONE nozzle ejects an irritant in the form of a cloud.
RGS Police by Vesk, a new line of pepper gases from KKS. Non-flammable, gel, 2million SHU capacity. 400 ml. Fruit of cooperation between the CCC and officers of the German police's prevention units. Equipped with a police PPG system head for professional
VESK RSG Police 63ml pepper spray with strong concentration of alkalide capsaicin. Non-flammable with an irritating substance in the form of a stream that is little susceptible to atmospheric factors, which makes it effective and, above all, safe for user
VESK RGS Police non-flammable pepper gas for professional use with 13.32% OC, 2mln SHU acuity, 50ml capacity, cone nozzle. Fruit of cooperation between KKS company and officers of the German police's prevention squads. Head with flap and hood
ProTect Anti-Dog 40 ml (Anti Hund) gas thrower by KKS for defense against aggressive animals including dogs.Now in a mega set of 2 pieces at a super price!. CONE nozzle ejects irritant in cloud form...
ProTect Red Anti-Dog Red 40 ml (Anti Hund) KKS gas thrower to defend against aggressive animals including dogs. The squad also guarantees defense against an attacker or group of attackers. The CONE nozzle releases an irritant in the form of a cloud.
ProTect 40ml KKS gas thrower. To the border in front of the striker, a group of strikers. The chemical composition was selected to effectively defend against aggressive animals, especially dogs.
ProTect Red Anti-Dog 40 ml (Anti Hund) KKS gas thrower to defend against aggressive animals including dogs. The squad also guarantees defense against an attacker or group of attackers. The CONE nozzle releases an irritant in the form of a cloud.
VESK RGS Police line of professional pepper gases from KKS. Non-flammable with 13.2% OC including 1.33%MC, spiciness 2mln SHU, 200ml capacity. Police Finger Grip head with HJF nozzle. Effective for defense against a group of attackers, aggressive animals
VESK RGS Police nowa linia gazów pieprzowych firmy KKS. Niepalny, żel, 2mln SHU, poj 15ml. Policyjna głowica KKS z klapką FLIP TOP i okapkiem do profesjonalnych zastosowań. Skuteczny do obrony przed napastnikiem, grupą napastników, agresywnymi zwierzętami
Typhoon German-made handheld non-flammable pepper gas thrower for professional use. With a capacity of 400 ml, it can be used repeatedly and thus effectively defend even against a group of attackers and aggressive animals...
Five Point Three 2 "Lite" 4% Stream 43ml. Improved 4% OC formula of Fox Labs pepper spray for those who don't want to use Five Point Three Legacy 5.3 mln SHU used by law enforcement. Includes invisible UV dye for suspect identification under black light.
Five Point Three "Lite" 2% Stream 43ml. Weaker 2% OC formula of Fox Labs pepper spray for those who don't want to use the Five Point Three Legacy 5.3 mln SHU used by law enforcement. Includes invisible UV dye for suspect identification under black light.
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