Extended Muzzle Break, extended and contoured barrel exit is a solution that improves the comfort of use. Muzzle break makes the windcheater easier to pull, improves its balance and further increases the length of the barrel. Finished with a ½" UNF.
Optional Hatsan PCP airguns magazine. Designed for pneumatic airguns: AT44, BT65, BT65-ELITE rifles and AT-P1, AT-P2 pistols. Replaceable, rotatable, made of light metal. Depending on cal. Holds 9-10 diabolo pellets.
Tuning firing pin valve for PCP Hatsan airsoft gun: pistols: AT-P1, AT-P2 and rifles: AT44, AT44PA, Gladius also in LONG version in calibers: 177 (4.5 mm), .22 (5.5 mm) and .25 (6.35 mm) ). The spire fits the Hatsan airgun clones, among others Ranger.
Hatsan Arms adapter made of brass with a set of gaskets. It enables filling (charging) of the PCP airguns cartridge with a pump or a compressed air cylinder.
AirGun Polymer Bipod, bipod Hatsan for spring air guns. Mounted on the barrel or charging lever for airguns with lower tension. It prevents the barrel from swimming while aiming, reduces the shooter's fatigue, allows long-term goal retention.
Air stripper, an exhaust brake, improves the accuracy and focus of shots. Changes the nature of air flow out of the barrel minimizes recoil and unwanted toss. Improves the speed of accurate shots and their accuracy. Terminated with a ½" UNF.
2601 - the end of the Hatsan barrel secures the thread in case of not using the silencer or the shot compensator. For AT44, MOD 88 air rifles. Also fits all models with 1/2” UNF male threaded barrels (also from other manufacturers)
A steel compressed air cylinder with a free valve to prevent sudden air shock during filling. Capacity 6 liters, working pressure 300 bar. For filling containers, cartridges, PCP pneumatic airgun tanks, paintball cylinders.
Vortex Gas Piston TYPE-1 HP (High Power) tuning system with gas piston restores maximum energy of air guns to FAC version. Quiet operation, less recoil, better accuracy. For Hatsan air rifles: 55, 60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90 with Quattro Trigger system.
Vortex Gas Piston TYPE-2 HP (High Power) tuning system with gas piston restores maximum energy of air guns to FAC version. Quiet operation, less recoil, better accuracy. For Hatsan air rifles 125, 135 and Torpedo: 150 and 155 with Quattro Trigger system.
Vortex Gas Piston TYPE-3 HP (High Power) tuning system with gas piston restores maximum energy of the air gun to FAC version. Quiet operation, less recoil, better accuracy. Hatsan Striker 1000S, Striker 1000X, Striker Edge air rifles with Quattro Trigger.
Vortex Gas Piston TYPE-4 HP (High Power) tuning system with gas piston restores energy to FAC version. Quiet operation, less recoil, better accuracy. For Hatsan Dominator, Dominator Carbine air rifles with Quattro Trigger system.
Vortex Gas Piston TYPE-5 HP (High Power) tuning system with gas piston restores maximum energy. Quiet operation, less recoil, better accuracy. For Hatsan air riles: Torpedo 100X, Torpedo 105X with Quattro Trigger system.
Vortex Gas Piston TYPE-1 ST gas piston with energy of 17J. For Hatsan air rifles 55, 60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90 equipped with Quattro Trigger system. Vortex Gas Piston means quiet operation, less recoil and better accuracy.
Vortex Gas Piston TYPE-2 ST set with gas piston with energy of 17J. For Hatsan air rifles: 125, 125TH, 135 and Torpedo: 150, 150TH, 155 with Quattro Trigger system. Vortex Gas Piston means quiet operation, less recoil and better accuracy.
Vortex Gas Piston TYPE-3 ST set with gas piston with 17J energy is quiet operation, less recoil, better accuracy. For Hatsan air rifles: Striker 1000S, Striker 1000X, Striker Edge.
Vortex Gas Piston TYPE-4 ST set with gas piston with 17J energy is quiet operation, less recoil and better accuracy. For Hatsan air rifles: Dominator, Dominator Carbine with Quattro Trigger system.
Vortex Gas Piston TYPE-5 ST set with gas piston with energy of 17J. For Hatsan air rifles: Torpedo 100X, Torpedo 105X with Quattro Trigger system. Vortex Gas Piston means quiet operation, less recoil and better accuracy.