Commando Training Knife (Hard), safe training knife, made of soft plastic in black color. Perfect for self-defense training, martial arts, among others defense against knife or demonstrations.
Commando Training Knife (Soft), safe training knife, made of soft plastic in black color. Perfect for self-defense training, martial arts, among others defense against knife or demonstrations.
Training Knife (Hard), ESP's safe training knife, similar in size to a folding knife. Made of hardened plastic in black. Perfect for self-defense training, martial arts, among others defense against knife or demonstrations.
Training Knife (Soft), ESP's safe training knife, similar in size to a folding knife. Made of hardened plastic in black. Perfect for self-defense training, martial arts, among others defense against knife or demonstrations.
Contact Trainer safe training knife made of soft black rubber. Perfect for self-defense training, martial arts. Particularly useful when learning techniques of self-defense against a knife attack or various types of demonstrations..
TK BF2, the Extrema Ratio professional training knife faithfully reproduces the BF2 folder. For training combat techniques, defense against knife attacks.
TK Shrapnel OG, compact knife (back-up) Extrema Ratio for training self-defense techniques. For training martial methods, defense against knife attacks, martial arts demonstrations...
TK Fulcrum S, professional knife Extrema Ratio for training self-defense techniques, one of the best knives on the market. For training martial methods, knife defense, martial arts demonstrations....
Contact Trainer Black, safe training knife made of soft rubber. Perfect for self-defense training, martial arts. Particularly useful when learning techniques of self-defense.
Contact Trainer Tan, a safe training knife made of soft rubber. Perfect for self-defense, martial arts training. Particularly useful when teaching self-defense techniques against knife attacks or various demonstrations involving martial arts adepts..
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