- 1851 Colt Navy Yank Old Silver .44, a symbol of the Wild West in a version with an engraved drum in cal .44. Fuse-loaded cap-loaded black-pistol revolver. The cylinder of the drum is decorated with a scene of the victory of the Second Texas Navy in the na

1851 Colt Navy Yank Old Silver .44, symbol Wild West in the version with engraved drum w caliber .44. Samuel Colt's best-loved breech-loading cap-and-bolt revolver. The cylinder of the drum is decorated with an engraved scene of the victory of the Second Texas Navy in the naval battle of Campeche in 1843.
Designed in 1847, it was introduced into the armament of the army US as a model 1851 Navy. Despite the name Colt Navy was supplied in greater quantities to land forces than to the navy. Reputation of the revolver reached England, where in 1852 Samuel Colt built the only factory outside the United States. Revolvers produced at this factory were called Navy London.
Covers - grip made of walnut wood, facilitate a secure grip on the weapon. Oiling enhances the color of the wood, highlights the grain, and preserves the natural appearance. The oil penetrates deep into the wood without clogging the pores, allowing the wood to breathe.
Pobojczyk - lever (stamp), located hinged under the barrel of the revolver. Designed for pressing lead balls in drum chambers.
Elaboration: the company Sharg® sole importer.