- 12 g CO2 feed capsule by ASG (Actions Sport Games) for pistols and air rifles. CO2 cartridges throw shots using compressed carbon dioxide. One capsule is enough to shoot about 60 pellets.

12 g CO² feeding capsule by ASG (Actions Sport Games) for pistols and air rifles. The CO² cartridges shoot the shots using compressed carbon dioxide. One capsule is enough to shoot about 60 pellets (for one packet of 500 pellets, it is recommended to buy 10 12-gram CO2 cartridges).
CO² power capsules are also used in ASG pistols and rifles, Real Marker Action replicas, some painball markers.
Air rifles compatible with the 12g CO2 cartridge:
- guns
- revolvers
- carabiners
Length: 80 mm
Developer: Action Sport Games, Denmark
Created by: Sharg® Company