- A tissue soaked in the Swiss preparation for cleaning and maintenance Brunox Turbo-Spray. Secures metal parts. The addition of Turboline guarantees penetration into cracks and internal spaces, creating a thin, non-drying protective layer.

Always with you! Cloth soaked in a multifunctional Swiss agent for cleaning, lubricating and maintaining Brunox® Turbo Spray. The included Turboline additive guarantees the best coverage (100-120 m2 / l), penetrates into gaps and internal spaces, creates a thin, transparent, non-sticky, non-curing, easy-to-remove protective film (film). Turbo-Spray works well as a DIY equipment, service or production facility. Cleans, lubricates and cares for, among others garden tools, two-wheelers, bicycles and motorcycles, cars, motor devices, machines and precision devices.
Operation - on metal surfaces, it displaces water from locks, valves, pins, hinges, padlocks, all movable mechanisms, including weapons. It protects against moisture, corrosion (removes rust tarnish) and aggressive factors in the atmosphere, such as exhaust fumes or gasoline vapors. It neutralizes sweat, protects, copper, aluminum, brass, chrome, electroplated sheets and stainless steel. Prevents and removes short circuits in the electrical system. Allows easy cleaning of tarnished contacts and electronic ignition systems.
The product does not contain silicone Teflon and graphite. Dissolves grease, mineral and organic impurities, incl. oil residues, tar, brake dust. Neutral to painted surfaces, leather products, wood, rubber, plastic and fabrics. It has the NATO S-761 specification and meets the DIN 50021 standard.
Created by: Sharg® Company